Adrenaline Vs. Ventolin
Brand Name
Adrenaline, or, epinephrine in the United States, is an active ingredient used in some asthma medicines. Ventolin is a brand name, not an ingredient. The drug is salbutamol, known in the United States as albuterol.
Adrenergic Receptors
Different adrenoceptors exist in the body, some dilators and some constrictors; adrenaline acts on them all. Indeed, the "adren-" in adrenoceptor refers to adrenaline. Ventolin specifically triggers beta₂-adrenergic receptors, causing dilation.
OTC Vs. Prescripiton Only
Ventolin is available only by prescription. As an asthma inhalant, adrenaline (epinephrine) is available over-the-counter in brands like Primatene Mist.
Epinephrine mists use CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) as a propellant. Since CFC harms the ozone, epinephrine mists as they are currently made will no longer be available in the United States after 2011. Ventolin uses HFA (hydrofluoroalkane).
Among other effects, both adrenaline and Ventolin can increase blood pressure and increase heart rate. Since both can relax uterine muscles, pregnant women should talk to their health-care providers before using these drugs.