How to Sleep With Asthma
Things You'll Need
- Warm mist humidifier
- Dust-free bedroom
Dust mites and dust can trigger an asthma attack, so keeping the surroundings of your sleeping quarters clean from pollutants will help in assuring a good night's sleep. Dust-proof covers for your pillows and mattress keeps irritants down to a minimum. Purchase the allergy-free cover items at any local bedding store.
Keep your furniture dust free by dusting your bedroom a few times a week. Get rid of the carpeting in your bedroom. Solid flooring is better than rugs for someone with asthma because the rug material tends to trap dust. Use window treatments rather than material because dust collects in curtains or drapes.
Keep the air in your bedroom conducive for breathing for your asthma. Moist warm air from a humidifier will supply the right conditions for a good night sleep. To keep the air clean, you must keep the spout of the humidifier clean from mold. If you sleep with an air conditioner, make sure to keep the filters clean on this appliance also.
Do not sleep with your windows open any time of the year. Outside pollutants can trigger a nighttime asthma attack. By keeping the air clean and contained in your bedroom, the environment is controlled. Close your bedroom door to the rest of the house all day and night to help to keep contaminants out. Showering before going to bed to remove allergens and pollutants also will help in keeping your sleeping environment controlled.
Pets should not sleep in the bedroom or even be allowed in that room at all. Their fur and dander can trigger an asthma attack, which will disrupt your night's sleep. Sleep in a slightly elevated position to get a good night's sleep free of an attack.
Do not eat for the few hours before going to bed as a precaution in guarding against having an asthma attack while sleeping. Acid reflux can cause spasms that trigger an attack. The feeling of being full gives you the perception of labored breathing, which will keep you awake, waiting for a possible attack.