Asthma Control Test (ACT)
People who suffer from asthma can take the Asthma Control Test online. This test assesses the severity of the patient's asthma and how well it is controlled. The ACT can help the doctor better treat the patient. Print the results and bring them to your doctor.-
The Asthma Control Test originally used 471 patients suffering from asthma. The subjects answered 22 questions regarding asthma, and from there the survey was narrowed down to a short, five-question test.
According to the National Institutes of Health, the test is a useful tool in quickly assessing the severity of a patient's asthma.
Two Asthma Control Tests are available: one for adults 12 years old and over, and one for children ages four to 11.
The five quick, multiple-choice questions ask asthma sufferers how often they have been effected by symptoms of asthma in the last four weeks.
As you answer questions about your asthma, a number value will show up in the box on the right. These numbers relate to the controllability of your condition.
Take the results to your next visit to your health care professional. If your result number is equal to or greater than 19, it may mean your asthma is not properly controlled.