Can Losing Weight Help Asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that can become serious, and being overweight only aggravates the issue. Typical symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing and heaviness or tightness in the chest. Asthma affects about three percent of the population in the U.S.
  1. Weight Loss Helps Relieve Symptoms

    • Being just slightly overweight can increase symptoms of asthma. Recent studies show that asthma sufferers who have lost weight improve their lung function, which eases breathing and symptoms of asthma.

    Foods that Help with Weight Loss

    • A change in diet can make a great difference. Diets should include plenty of vitamins and nutritious foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. You should also drink plenty of water. Eat foods rich in Omega-3, including fish, tuna and salmon.

    Foods to Avoid

    • Saturated fats should be avoided. Fried foods should also be avoided, along with processed foods such as lunch meats and dairy products like milk, eggs and cheese. These foods are inflammatory and can lead to weight gain.


    • Exercise will not only help with weight loss but it will also help strengthen muscles in the chest area. This may alleviate symptoms of asthma and help the lungs to function better.

    Lowering BMI

    • Some studies have shown that people with asthma who have lowered their body mass index (BMI) have improved their asthma symptoms and overall breathing.

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