How to Make an Asthma Spacer

Spacer devices for asthma inhalers are fitted onto metered dose inhalers (MDIs) to make taking asthma medications simpler and to ensure more thorough dispersal of medications to the lungs. In fact, according to the Journal of Family Practice, studies show an MDI with a spacer is as effective or more effective than a nebulizer in moderate asthma cases. If you have access to health care for asthma, you can request a prescription spacer from your doctor. In a pinch, you can make your own asthma spacer using common household items until you're able to get a prescription spacer.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal wire
  • Plastic soda or water bottle (16 oz.)
  • Metered dose inhaler
  • Cigarette lighter
  • Non-toxic glue
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Bend wire to the shape of the mouthpiece of your metered dose inhaler. Leave a length of wire to use as a handle. It should be long enough that the end you're holding will not get hot when the other end is heated.

    • 2

      Heat the shaped end of the wire with the cigarette lighter until red hot.

    • 3

      Press the hot end of the wire against the bottom of the bottle until it burns completely through the plastic, leaving a hole the same size and shape as the MDI mouthpiece. Remove the loose piece of plastic from the bottle.

    • 4

      Insert the mouthpiece into the hole; it should fit snugly. Glue the mouthpiece to the hole at the outside edge.

    • 5

      Allow the glue to dry thoroughly before attempting to use the spacer.

    • 6

      Depress the metered dose inhaler to release aerosol into the spacer. With your mouth around the bottle spout at the other end, inhale and exhale normally three or four times.

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