Caffeine Benefits for Asthma
According to The Cochran Collaboration, caffeine acts as a mild bronchodilator and is chemically similar to theophylline, a drug used to treat asthma. Use of caffeine by study participants resulted in lung function improvements for up to four hours.
Side Effects
Over-consumption of caffeine can cause nervousness, dizziness, increased urination and insomnia; in sensitive individuals, caffeine can raise blood pressure and heart rate. Limit caffeine and cut off consumption early in the day to prevent side effects.
Caffeine is not widely considered a suitable alternative to traditional medications for moderate to severe persistent asthma.
Theophylline has many of the same side effects as caffeine.
Bottom Line
Seek medical advice before attempting to treat asthma symptoms with caffeine. Do not alter or discontinue medical treatment, especially for moderate to severe asthma, without first consulting a physician.