Old Asthma Cures
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important because it helps fight infection and a supports a healthy immune system. Additionally, it helps asthma sufferers by reducing inflammation and increasing the ability to use oxygen.
Vitamin C is full of antioxidants that can help out when lungs are stressed because of allergens. Vitamin C is specifically good for the lungs and better breathing.
Vitamins B6 and B12
B6 and B12 vitamins are extremely important for asthma sufferers. Like vitamin C, these B vitamins help to reduce inflammation in the lungs, which ultimately helps improve asthma. Many asthma sufferers are found to have low stomach acid. In fact, according to an article by Dr. Jonathan Wright published on the Healthier Talk website, more than 80 percent of asthmatic children have low levels of stomach acid and pepsin. This means poor digestion, which lowers nutrient absorption. When the stomach is having digestive issues, not enough B12 vitamins are received in the body. B12 injections will sometimes alleviate asthmatic wheezing in children.
Asthma Tea
Mix two teaspoons of Indian root, two teaspoons of granulated Echinacea root and two teaspoons of elecampane root into two cups of water. Allow to steep for two or more hours. Drink several times throughout the day to help curb asthma.
A second tea is also sometimes used to help with breathing. To one quart of boiling water, add one teaspoon of chamomile flowers (dried), one teaspoon of Echinacea root, one teaspoon of mullein leaves and one teaspoon of passionflower leaves. Allow to steep until a strong tea is made. This tea can also be drunk several times throughout the day, particularly before bed, to help with breathing issues.