Relief for Asthma, GERD & Coughing
Asthma Relief
People who suffer from both asthma and GERD should raise the head of their bed by about 6 inches. This can be accomplished by placing the legs of the bed at the head on three 2-by-4 boards, one stacked on top of the other. The boards can be screwed together to ensure that the bed doesn't slide around. This not only helps reduce acid reflux, but it also helps asthmatics who have difficulty breathing.
The final meal of the day should be consumed at least three hours before bedtime or before lying down. This is true for acid reflux, but also helps with asthma because GERD can sometimes make nighttime asthma attacks worse. Bedtime snacks should be avoided altogether. Smaller meals and moderate portions of food should be consumed throughout the day. All liquids should be watered down and acid-based drinks, such as orange juice, should be avoided.
GERD Relief
In addition to extreme heartburn, GERD also brings fits of coughing and problems with swallowing. Achieving a high level of comfort is the main thing you can do to fight off symptoms of GERD. Avoid wearing tight-fitting or uncomfortable clothing and try lying down using a wedge pillow, which is specifically designed to elevate the top half of your body. The head, neck and shoulders should be raised 2 or more inches off the mattress so that when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) opens, the acid remains in the stomach rather than rising and causing symptoms. The wedge pillow also can be an alternative to raising the head of the bed.
Coughing Relief
Drinking hot tea and broth can be very beneficial to someone who is experiencing frequent coughing. Individuals who suffer from GERD and asthma often have problems with coughing as well. Warm or hot drinks and broths can be consumed daily to help with the coughing.
If a coughing fit arises and no hot or warm liquid is available, try sitting in an upright position, while quietly inhaling deeply and exhaling through the nose for a few minutes. If possible, sip water at room temperature.
According to the Medical News website, honey just before bedtime may provide relief from coughing at nighttime. Buckwheat honey can be consumed just before bed and can be warmed for approximately five seconds in the microwave to make it go down easier.