Important Facts About Asthma
Asthma has risen steadily in recent years and higher correlations have been found between asthma and race and asthma and income level. Studies have found that the African-American population, and low income population, have higher instances of the condition.
Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs and respiratory systems of the body and is one of the most common long-term diseases in children. The disease often starts in childhood and continues on into adulthood.
Asthma attacks occur when something triggers the disease, and the airways close off either partially or totally. The causes for the attacks can be environmental, such as cigarette smoke and pollution, physical or emotional. Stressful conditions can lead to hyperventilation and asthma attacks.
The best method for prevention is having a inhaler and knowing what triggers you are susceptible to. Triggers are personal, and things that may set off an attack in one person will not in another.
Fun Fact
Asthma affects 1 in every 15 children in America. Some children will outgrow asthma and not have problems as adults, but some will continue with the condition their whole life.