Relief of Cough-Variant Asthma
Diagnostic Tools
Cough-variant asthma (CVA) diagnosis is made on the basis of favorable clinical response to empirically administered beta-2 agonist bronchodilators (such as albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (such as Advair). Also a positive bronchoprovocation test using methacholine inhalation challenge (MIC). MIC is a chronic cough lasting eight weeks or longer. CVA worsens with airway inflammation due to viral infection, inhalation of cold air and exercise. In addition to these tests, a sleep study to pinpoint nocturnal asthma and a complete list of the patients medications, target the specific causes of CVA.
Benefits of Medication Treatments
The specific benefits of bronchodilators like beta-2 agonists and inhaled corticosteroids are as follows: the beta-2 agonists open up the airway rapidly by directly stimulating the beta-2 receptors in the smooth muscle of airways. The inhaled corticosteriods stabilize mast cells and protect against inflammation and several stimuli causing bronchoconstriction. The effect of these two medications is beneficial in controlling typical CVA. In addition to these treatments, a directly acting mast cell inhibitor (leukotriene inhibitor), such as Singulair, is conducive as a long-term therapeutic medical treatment. These medications used synergistically will allay chronic variant asthma on a daily basis, so that the cough is completely eradicated. As an adjunct to the treatments, an anti-tussive suspension cough medicine (for example, Tussinex) may be added to calm the cough reflex center.
Be especially cautious with this formulation however, and take only as directed with this long-acting suspension. The reason why one needs to be careful is because especially in asthma related illnesses, it may severely depress the respiratory center in the brain, and overuse can cause severe breathing problems. Be diligent in following the directions because "the less is more" scenario applies here. Following these combined guidelines will ensure that the patient will receive optimal results in roughly a three-day period.
Holistic Health Treatments
A humidifier is especially helpful to keep the airway from getting dry, and thus will control the dry hacking type of cough. Warm liquids, especially mild herbal tea, will calm and soothe the irritated airway. Avoiding strong spices and condiments will keep the airway smooth to avoid over-irritation. An air filtration system will help keep the home free from pollens and other allergens. Be sure to change the filter every four to six months to keep the environment cleaner and in optimal condition.