The Proper Use of an Inhaler
Prepare Inhaler
Make sure the medication has been inserted into the inhaler. Take the cap off and then shake it well. Breathe out and place the inhaler mouth piece 1 or 2 inches away from your open mouth.
Breathe In
Start breathing in through your mouth slowly and then use your index finger to press down firmly on the canister of your inhaler. Do this only once and breathe in as deeply and slowly as you can.
Close your mouth and hold your breath for about 5 to 10 seconds to give the medication time to be absorbed. Then you can begin to breathe normally. If you are taking a quick relief inhaler, wait 30 seconds to one minute between inhalations.
After Taking your Medication
If you are taking a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth with water to prevent infection. Clean your inhaler according to the manufacturer's instructions and replace the cap.