How to Use a Power Nebulizer
Things You'll Need
- Nebulizer compressor
- Access to power outlet
- Nebulizer tubing
- Handheld nebulizer
- Inhaled medication
- Paper towel
- Saucepan
- Water
- White vinegar
- Replacement filters
Plug in the nebulizer compressor.
Attach the nebulizer tube to the compressor by pushing it onto the protruding plastic nozzle. There is only one place in which you can possibly attach the tubing.
Squeeze medication into the cup of a clean handheld nebulizer and assemble the rest of the nebulizer. Nebulizers generally have four or five pieces: a cup, a mouthpiece or mask and two or three additional pieces that hold the nebulizer together and allow the medication to be vaporized. Standard, classic, disposable and Sidestream nebulizers are screwed together, while PARI nebulizers are pushed together and twisted slightly to lock into place.
Attach the unattached end of the tubing to the nebulizer cup. There is a plastic nozzle on the bottom of the cup that looks similar to the one on the compressor.
Locate the on/off switch on the compressor and turn on the machine. There is only one switch on the compressor, so you can't confuse it with another function.
Place the mouthpiece in your mouth or the mask over your nose and mouth (depending on which you use) and inhale deeply until mist stops coming from the nebulizer.
Detach the tube from the nebulizer cup when all the medication is gone. Connect the tube to the next nebulizer if you have multiple medications. Never use the same nebulizer for more than one medication without washing it between treatments. After all medications have been taken, allow the compressor to run for two to three minutes until all of the moisture within the tube is gone. Turn off the compressor and unplug it.
Dissemble the nebulizer, rinse all pieces in warm, soapy water and lay the pieces on a clean paper towel to air dry. Do not use the nebulizer again until it is completely dry.
Sterilize the nebulizer every one or two days. Boil water in a saucepan for 10 minutes to sterilize the water, remove the pan from the heat source and immediately drop the dissembled nebulizer into the hot water. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Remove the pieces and allow them to air dry. If you prefer, you may soak the nebulizers in a mixture of one part white vinegar to three parts hot water for 30 minutes. Rinse all parts in hot water after using vinegar. Do not use bleach, as the plastic nebulizer cups tend to absorb it.
Change the filter in the compressor periodically. The time varies from machine to machine--from every month in the SportNeb, to every six months with the Pulmo-Aide, to every 500 hours of use in the PARI. Only your medical supply provider can determine exactly how long your make and model of compressor is intended to last before a filter change. Check the filter regularly, as it might need replacement before the prescribed time. If it is gray or brown, or if it is covered in dust and debris, change it immediately. Replacement filters are available from your medical supply company.