Does Mold on the Outside of a House Contribute to Asthma?
Spores Outside Your Home
Mold growing on the outside of your house surrounds your residence with a greater concentration of mold spores than normal. You will be susceptible to inhaling them and suffering from associated respiratory distress such as an allergic reaction, labored breathing or even an asthma attack any time you are near the outside of your home. This window of exposure includes entering and exiting your home and spending time on the porch or in a yard.
Mold Spreading and Transport
Mold spores from the outside of your come can latch onto your clothing and shoes, making you a spore transporter. Mold spores from your clothes can end up in damp parts of your house, starting new mold that can directly affect your asthma from inside your home as well.
Also, the mold growing from the outside of your home can continue to grow and spread through your home's framework until it is inside of your house. Not only can this affect your breathing and worsen your asthma, it can also cause infrastructure problems that can severely damage your house.
Mold Remediation for Home Exterior
Wear protective clothing such as gloves, protective eyewear and an N-95 respirator. The N-95 respirator is particular important for asthmatics to wear as it protects from inhaling mold spores during cleaning. Damp wiping or scrubbing the affected area of your home's exterior with warm water may be enough to remove the mold. You may combine a detergent solution with the water to scrub if necessary.
Remove mold and infected materials in strong, sealable plastic bags. Avoid the area for a few hours to allow drying and ventilation.
Tips and Warnings
Consult a cleaning expert, mold remediation specialist or environmental protection professional before attempting to remove mold on your own.
Consider cleaning the air ducts in your home after removing the mold spore sources on its exterior.