Side Effects of Decandrol
Bodybuilders use Decandrol to help decrease body fat levels and relieve joint pain caused by overwork in the gym. Decandrol causes water retention in connective tissues, reducing joint pain and enhancing the look of muscularity and definition in users. The effects occur more slowly than with other anabolic steroids.
Side Effects
Decandrol users may experience acne outbreaks, water retention, irritability, hair loss, difficulty with blood clotting, nasal bleeding, headaches, sexual overstimulation and loss of libido. Males may experience reduced sperm production, infertility, breast enlargement in men and increased symptoms of male pattern baldness. In women, anabolics can cause typically masculine patterns of body hair growth, cessation or reduction of the menstrual cycle, facial hair growth, deepening of the voice, enlarged clitoris and even mild symptoms of male pattern baldness. Some abusers experience outbursts of uncontrolled anger, confusion and depression.
Because Decandrol is an aldylated steroid, it can cause liver damage at even moderate dosages. Chronic abuse can result in liver tumors, high blood pressure, malignant cancers, cysts and failure of testes and ovaries.
Decandrol/nandrolone metabolites can be detected in the blood stream for more than a year after someone stops using it. The steroid is stored in fatty tissues where metabolization can occur at widely varying rates. Side effects could continue during this time.
It is virtually impossible to obtain useful scientific evidence regarding anabolic steroid use among athletes. Subjecting test subjects to the dangerous levels of steroids commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders would be unethical for legitimate scientists. This likely accounts for the variety of unsubstantiated claims and the lack of any medically recognized studies supporting those claims.