About Asthma & Yoga
Nostril Breathing
Many asthmatics tend to breathe through the mouth. Yoga encourages practitioners to breathe through the nose, which supports deeper breathing and correct diaphragm functioning.
Breathing Exercises
An article in Yoga Journal on asthma and yoga recommends lengthening the duration of breaths and pausing before inhalation. B.K.S. Iyengar recommends alternate nostril breathing (nadi sodhana) for managing asthma.
In "Light on Yoga," Iyengar recommends yoga poses for managing asthma. These include back extensions such as Cobra (bhujangasana), Locust (salambhasana) and Bridge (setu bandha sarvangasana), and inversions such as Headstand (sirsasana), Shoulder Stand (sarvangasana) and Dog (adho mukha svanasana).
An article on asthma and yoga by in LA Yoga points out that asthma attacks may be triggered or worsened by stress. Yoga is known to significantly reduce stress.
Some yoga breathing exercises may trigger asthma attacks. When using yoga to manage asthma, do not practice yoga breathing exercises that involve rapid breathing or inhale retention.