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How to Make a Pecs Schedule for Autistic Kids
Autistic spectrum disorders cause communication and social delays. Some autistic children do not speak, making it difficult for parents and teachers to communicate with them about their desires as well as about tasks and chores that need to be done. A Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is one way to aid communication with nonverbal autistic children. A PECS visual schedule can help these children complete tasks, as well as aid communication.Things You'll Need
- Computer and printer
- Pictures
- Laminating Sheets
- Velcro
Go online and find clip art of activities the child is expected to complete. Download and print the pictures.
Laminate the pictures. Cut each laminated picture out.
Affix a Velcro strip to the back of each picture.
Make a colorful strip of paper with the child's name. Laminate the strip and affix velcro strips for each intended activity.
Attach the pictures in the order the child is expected to complete the activities.