What does the term Autism mean?
Some of the key features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) include:
Impairments in social communication and interaction: Individuals with autism may have difficulties understanding social cues, such as facial expressions or body language. They may also find it challenging to initiate and maintain conversations or engage in social interactions appropriately.
Repetitive behaviors or restricted interests: People with autism often engage in repetitive behaviors or have narrow and intense interests. These may include repeating words or phrases, lining up objects, or becoming highly focused on a particular topic or activity.
Difficulties with social-emotional reciprocity: Individuals with autism may struggle with understanding the feelings of others and expressing their own emotions. They may also find it difficult to engage in social interactions and may appear detached or indifferent to others.
Delays or challenges in communication: Some individuals with autism may experience speech delays or difficulties with language. They may also have trouble with understanding and using nonverbal forms of communication, such as gestures or body language.
Hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input: Individuals with autism may be oversensitive or underresponsive to sensory stimuli. For example, they may find loud noises or bright lights overwhelming, or they may not be able to sense pain or temperature changes.
These are just some of the core features of autism, and the presentation of symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. Autism spectrum disorder is a complex and diverse condition, and it is important to recognize that every autistic individual is unique with their own strengths and needs.