What is severe autism?
Symptoms of severe autism can include:
* Severe impairments in social interaction: Individuals with severe autism may have difficulty understanding and responding to social cues, such as facial expressions and gestures. They may also have difficulty interacting with peers and may prefer to be alone.
* Severe impairments in communication: Individuals with severe autism may have difficulty understanding and using language. They may have delayed speech or no speech at all, and they may use repetitive speech or echolalia (repeating what they hear).
* Restricted and repetitive behaviors: Individuals with severe autism may engage in repetitive behaviors, such as rocking back and forth, flapping their hands, or spinning in circles. They may also have a narrow range of interests and may be resistant to change.
* Other symptoms: Individuals with severe autism may also experience other symptoms, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, self-injury, and sleep problems.
Severe autism can be a challenging disorder, but there are a variety of treatments that can help individuals manage their symptoms and live more independent lives. These treatments may include:
* Early intervention: Early intervention, such as early start Denver model (ESDM) and applied behavior analysis (ABA), can help individuals with severe autism learn important skills and reduce their symptoms.
* Medication: Medication can help manage symptoms of severe autism, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and aggression.
* Special education: Individuals with severe autism may need special education services in order to succeed in school. These services may include individualized instruction, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
* Support services: Individuals with severe autism may need support services in order to live independently. These services may include residential support, job training, and social skills training.
Severe autism is a complex disorder, but with the right treatment and support, individuals with severe autism can live happy and fulfilling lives.