Autism Characteristics in Toddlers
Eye Contact
Observe whether your toddler makes eye contact with you or others. Consistent inability or unwillingness to make eye contact can be an early sign of autism. Don't panic if this happens once or twice. As with the other symptoms, it is only a concern if it is a regular occurrence.
Pay attention to your toddler's speech. If your toddler has a smaller vocabulary than is appropriate for her age or if her vocabulary has decreased over time, that could be a warning sign for autism.
Notice how your toddler plays with his toys. Observe whether he lines them up or arranges them in patterns consistently. Maybe he doesn't know how to play with specific toys and uses them in an unusual way. This can be a sign of autism in a toddler.
Early Treatment
Treating an autistic toddler as early as possible leads to the best possible outcome for her development. Early intervention is crucial for a child with autism or an autism spectrum disorder. Don't be afraid to ask questions and get help. If you are concerned about your child, talk to your child's doctor immediately.