How to Solve Behavior Problems in Autism
Look for the signs of autism which may present themselves early in a child’s life. Even in infancy, there can be certain clues. Understand that children with autism often don’t make eye contact. They may be unwilling to be held or touched. They may not seem to hear you at times or fail to respond to their name. An autistic child may not develop language skills properly. They may also forget words and sentences that they had previously learned. They can also parrot certain phrases, but not understand them. You may also notice rocking motions, constant movement, and they may develop strict routines that cause great distress when altered.
Obtain a proper diagnosis. There are varying degrees of behavioral problems when it comes to autism. These differences alter prognosis, behavior modification techniques and solutions. Your child’s doctor should perform a functional analysis to determine what your child is capable of. Expectations for treatment can then be established so as not to set yourself up for disappointment.
Seek professional help. Consult with a behavioral therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist or other member of the mental health community. A psychiatrist may prescribe certain medications to help alleviate the symptoms of autistic behavioral problems. This can go a long way toward solving many of the problems associated with autism.
Read books about solving behavioral problems in autism. This may give you a leg up when it comes to solving these problems. These books don’t have all of the answers, specifically when it comes to your individual child’s need. But they can offer valid insights and tips to help a parent create a more harmonious environment for their autistic child. This may solve some problems that occur when the child acts out.
Practice the techniques that you learn. Autistic children are slow to learn new skills, but incorporating solution techniques into their daily routines can help solve some behavioral problems. It is up to the parent to maintain a level of consistency in order to get the best response from their child.