Definition of Nonverbal Autism
Nonverbal Disorders
Nonverbal individuals with autism are usually considered lower functioning. Rett syndrome and fragile X syndrome are disorders related to autism that may also cause someone to be nonverbal.
Nonverbal Autism
Nonverbal autism means that the individual with autism is unable to speak. Either the autistic person cannot physically say any words, or they can't functionally talk to other people. Nonverbal individuals often make sounds or babble, but they are unable to mimic or repeat words.
Echolalia is a condition common in individuals with autism. With echolalia, an individual repeats part or all of what he hears. For example, if you ask him, "How are you?" he may answer "Are you?" in the same inflection that you used. Some can recite full songs or scenes from movies, but they are unable to carry on a conversation with another person.
Some nonverbal individuals may later be able to speak. The functionality of their speech is generally still impaired to some degree.
Nonverbal individuals can use communication devices. Picture cards, electronic touch screen devices and prerecorded messages are commonly used.