Autism Special Education
Early Intervention
Early intervention gives the autistic child a head start on development. The earlier the learning begins, the earlier the developmental problems can begin to be assessed and addressed.
The Individuals with Disabilities Act, or IDEA, is the law that makes it mandatory for disabled children to receive services. This act governs the services provided by the states and public agencies for disabled infants, toddlers and children .
An individualized education plan, also called an IEP, is an educational plan based on the individual needs of the child. Parents and educators develop the plan together. It includes any specific things the child may need to work on.
There are optional therapies can aid in the development of autistic children. Behavioral therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy can be used to help develop specific areas for those with autism.
Each child with autism is different and needs special education that covers their individual needs. If an education plan is not working, adjustments can be made until the right plan is found.