Six Autism Symptoms
"Stimming" is short for self-stimulating behavior. Common stimming behavior includes hand-flapping, rocking back and forth, and tapping on things.
Lack of Eye Contact
People with autism often can't make eye contact with others, and seem to be ignoring you when you talk to them. This doesn't mean they aren't listening.
Speech Differences
Some people with autism don't speak at all. Others will repeat what they hear, but can't hold a conversation. People on the milder end of the spectrum can engage in conversation, but their speech may be very formal and precise.
Sensory Difficulties
People with autism can be unusually sensitive to light, touch and sound. A shirt that feels soft to you may be unbearably scratchy to an autistic child, or normal sunlight may hurt his eyes terribly.
Stuck on Routines
Autistic people often need things to be done the same way all the time. If the routine is altered, it can be devastating.
Fascination with Objects
People with autism can sometimes sit for hours spinning wheels on toy trains, bouncing a ball or watching a top spin. They often get attached to a specific object and need to keep it close all the time.