TEACCH Method for Autism
Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped Children (TEACCH) is not behavior modification as much as it is using cognitive psychology results to create a learning experience. It includes services, training and research to help individuals on the autistic spectrum.-
Eric Schopler founded TEACCH in the early 1970s with several colleagues.
The goal of TEACCH is to help children grow to their maximum autonomy by the time they are adults by giving them communication and social skills.
TEACCH has nine regional centers throughout North Carolina, with its administration building located in Chapel Hill.
TEACCH uses the Psycho Educational Profile (PEP) to determine which areas need to be addressed, whether the skills are missing or emerging.
Instead of trying to determine where an autistic child is deficit in skills, TEACCH looks for potential, then helps the child grow and learn.
Most services such as social play, counseling, recreation groups, parent-support groups and training, and employment services offered through the TEACCH clinics are free to North Carolina citizens.