Why Is April Autism Awareness Month?

In the 1970s, the Autism Society of America proclaimed April as National Autism Awareness Month to raise awareness of the disorder. Today, one in 150 children are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Autism Awareness Month is designed to raise funds for research and to show support for the autism community. Autism Awareness Month also promote the rights of individuals with autism and encourages respect for their differences
  1. Refrigerator Mothers

    • Autism Awareness Month has contributed to growing understanding and changed perception of autism. In the past, autism was a considered a shameful disorder and the fault of the parent. The child diagnosed with autism was considered mentally deficient and disturbed. Bruno Bettleheim, author of The Empty Fortress: Infantile Autism and the Birth of the Self, promoted the theory of Refrigerator Mother, which lasted from the 1950s into the 1970s. The theory defined autism as resulting from a mother's lack of love.

      Autism, as a spectrum disorder did not enter the Diagnostic Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) until 1994. Often, heavy drug therapy and institutions awaited a child diagnosed with autism. In 1994, autism was recognized as a spectrum to include Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).

    April Events

    • Many of the events highlighted in April include grassroots organizations aimed at fun activities and raising funds. One such event is Bounce for Autism, which appeals to kids with autism and includes a large inflatable bouncing apparatus along with food and drink. Anyone can register to be a Bouncer or join an existing team.

      1Power4Autism hosts running or bike races, walk-a-thons, and silent auctions. You can host an event in your area or volunteer. Show Your Colors is a way to support autism by purchasing and wearing a bracelet with the symbol of autism, which is a puzzle piece. Reading a book about autism to your children, attending a local event sponsored by your community or supporting legislation are additional ways to show support.

    Aspie vs. NT

    • Awareness has spurred on new language: Neurotypical (NT) refers to the rest of the society, the typical ones, and is used by an Aspie (someone on the high end of the autism spectrum/diagnosed with Asperger Sydnrome).The Aspies represent a growing population that promotes autism as a different way of being, rather than a disorder. Nicole Caldwell, autism specialist and editor of Positively Autism, suggests focus on awareness rather than what needs to be fixed. Websites such as Alex Plank's Wrong Planet and Michael John Carley's Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP) promote acceptance and tolerance.


    • Despite the positive aspects of Autism Awareness Month, urgency exists to find a cure for autism and fund research. Lawsuits have been filed by parents claiming mercury in the vaccinations caused their child's autism. Roy Richard Grinker, social anthropologist and author of Unstrange Minds, suggests that autism has not increased. He proposes that the inclusion of autism as a spectrum disorder and the school registry adding autism to its special education categorization have accounted for the rise in new cases.

    Sweeping Change

    • Autism Awareness Month is one of the many efforts to promote a positive change in the overall perception of autism. More awareness has resulted in a better understanding of autism and its complexities.

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