Signs of Autism in Preschoolers

Though many autistic children may begin displaying symptoms before they enter school, this is the time when symptoms become more prevalent and diagnosis takes place. These are symptoms parents may have previously overlooked at home because they didn't seem severe and may have thought their child would outgrow once he was in a school environment.
  1. Socialization

    • Autistic children have a difficult time making and/or keeping friends. This is because they have no concept of how to relate to people or how to communicate with them.


    • When it comes to playing, autistic children will often play in an area by themselves. They often prefer to be alone.

    Noise Levels

    • Areas such as the gym and playground may result in tantrums or fits of screaming for autistic children. When a whistle is blown or echoes are heard in the gymnasium, it sets off a series of emotional behavior for the child.


    • Children with autism generally do not have the ability to focus. During story hour, they may get up and wander, requiring redirection multiple times to rejoin their classmates.


    • Autistic children are often sent to visit the principal on a regular basis. This is due to their angry outbursts and violent behavior.

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