How to Recognize Early Symptoms of Autism
When one out of one hundred and fifty babies is born with autism, it is imperative that autism is detected early.
Early detection is paramount to learning how to teach a child with autism.
Ways to recognize early symptoms of autism:
Most babies will smile by the time they are six months old. This is not the usual gas smile that babies exhibit when they have gas and need a burp, but a true genuine smile that shows delight. If you notice that your baby is not smiling or showing signs of pleasure, this can be an early warning sign of autism.
It can be hard for a mother to be open minded enough about their child to recognize early symptoms of autism. It is much easier to think that there child is simply moving at their own pace. This can be true in some cases, but it is for your child's best interest to have them checked out by a physician so that a parent can be sure.
Mimicry of facial expressions, words and vocal intonations are common signs seen in growing infants. If your child is not doing these things by ten months old, this can be another symptom of autism. Babies and children will always try to be like mom or dad and will try to mirror what you are doing.
A common way to recognize early symptoms of autism is if your child is not speaking at all by the time they are two. Some children will develop good speech patterns later than others, but they will at least have a few words in their vocabulary. It is not common for a young child to not speak at all.
If you see that your child is not using any words, it may be time to speak to your pediatrician about your concerns in regards to your child's development. As stated earlier, early detection is paramount to dealing with autism in a positive way.
Not all children with autism will display all of the symptoms. Your child may only exhibit one of the signs. If you recognize any early symptoms of autism, seek out professional help and get the proper testing done to help rule in or out autism.
The most important thing is early detection. Some children may have a mild form of autism that will only require a bit more attention than that of a child who does not have autism. Severe cases of autism can be difficult for a parent to handle if they do not get training before the child becomes too difficult.
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