How to Recognize the Characteristics of Autism
Autism is a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction. It is a type of restricted and repetitive behavior. The signs of autism are often apparent from a very early age.
There are several characteristic patterns that you will recognize in a child that has autism. By first learning how to recognize the characteristics of autism, you will take the first step toward helping people with autism.
The number of people known to have autism has increased dramatically since the 1980s, partly due to changes in diagnostic procedures. There are also a wide variety of treatment options available for autism.
All types of autism have autistic symptoms in various degrees. However, not every autistic person will show every characteristic for autism. Some children will have more signs of autism than other children.
Typically, a child with autism may have difficulty in different aspects of their life. These difficulties will range from anti-social behavior to outright aggressiveness towards others.
Initially you may think that the child is exhibiting anti-social behavior but if the child is autistic he may just be overwhelmed by all of the sensory input that comes from interacting with his environment.
Other common behavioral characteristics that autistic children exhibit include inflexibility, temper tantrums, meltdowns, aggressive behavior, self-mutilation, and intense preoccupation with a special interest.
Sadly, many children with autism suffer from communication problems. Characteristics that you may observe are a lack of conversational reciprocity, little or inappropriate eye contact, inability to understand your feelings, and difficulty understanding humor.
Children with autism usually suffer from social problems. They have difficulty making and keeping friends, as well as a lack of developed social skills. They are unable or unwilling to share their feelings with others.
Hopefully you will have a better idea of how to recognize the characteristics of autism now. However, it will take a medical professional to properly diagnose your child's condition. Just because your child exhibits characteristics of autism does not mean that he is autistic.
Raising a child with autism will definitely push you to your limits. Just remember that once you label a child as autistic people will look at him differently. Unfortunately this can reinforce the negative behavior, so make sure to treat your child with love and respect like a normal child.
While you are here be sure to take a look around eHow for more information on autism.
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