Effects of Autism on Socialization Skills
No Eye Contact
One of the primary ways humans connect with one another is through eye contact. Individuals with autism have great difficulty sustaining eye contact, which impairs the ability to interact socially.
Body Language
Individuals with autism often are not receptive to the body language of those around them. It will not be clear to them when others are disinterested in what they have to say, for example.
Many individuals with autism do not know how to initiate conversations. Once a conversation is begun, they may be unable to continue the conversation successfully.
Talking Incessantly About a Topic
Often, individuals with autism become obsessed with one subject area for a long period of time. For example, the individual may go on and on about different types of dinosaurs. Others around them will soon tire of hearing the same things over and over again, which will lead to avoidance of the autistic individual.
Figurative Language and Humor
Autistic individuals may have difficulty comprehending figurative language, and may not recognize humor. These deficits cause difficulties with socialization.