How to Get a Girlfriend if You Have Asperger's Syndrome

Since Asperger's syndrome is characterized by a difficulty in having relationships and engaging in conventional social encounters, getting a girlfriend is not the easiest thing. However, people with Asperger's syndrome do have successful relationships if they follow some important steps.


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      Be open about your desire to get a girlfriend (or boyfriend) with your support network and your counselor, if you're seeing one. Speaking with these people is often a good way for people with Asperger's to enter the dating and relationship arena without feeling as if they're going into it unprepared and alone.

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      Use the online dating services as a way to start to speak with people. Dating sites will help you meet a prospective girlfriend by allowing you to interact with many people without having to conduct a face-to-face meeting that might prove awkward or overwhelming for you. As you go through your online dating, make notes of how people respond to your online conversations.

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      Know yourself in terms of where you tend to slip up and say or do things people consider inappropriate. If it's hard for you to gauge where you're going wrong, turn to your counselor and support network for some perspective on topics you broach or things you do that people may find offensive. Then put these things into general categories like "politics," "sex" or "religion" so you can use them as a guide for things to stay away from in conversations.

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      Approach your potential girlfriend honestly by first saying that you're unsure whether or not something is appropriate. If you sense that the person is confused, speak a little bit about Asperger's and what it's meant in your life. The fact is that the topic is going to come up at some point, so you might as well make sure that the person is OK with it before you dive into a relationship that neither of you can handle.

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