How to Use Chelation Therapy for Autism
How To Use Chelation Therapy for Autism
Heavy metals build up within the body over a period of time causes poor health. However they can be mobilized and excreted in a safe and effective manner. Treatment is usually Chelation therapy that pulls arsenic out of your system. According to, Most autistic children who are chelated are chelated orally or transdermally (by gel, through the skin). Children have shown remarkable improvement after chelation was initiated. Formal data collection is just getting underway, but the initial data, on several hundred children is very encouraging."
Research. Since 1967 The Autism Research Institute has collected "Parent Ratings of Behavioral Effects of Biomedical Interventions." To date, over 24,500 parent responses have been collected. Chelation is a recent addition to the list of interventions. So far, of the first 470 parents who reported on the efficacy of chelation, 75 percent report "good" results, which is by far the highest "good" percentage reported for any of the 88 biomedical interventions (including 53 drugs) the parents have rated. See for more information.
Heavy metals (arsenic, lead, and mercury) like to hide in the brain and are resistant to cleaning out. The liver has to do a hard job processing the toxins during chelation therapy and the process can be tough on your digestive system. It's best to eat a diet of protein and mostly vegetables during treatment. Treatment can be done via IVs or orally. Intravenous treatment can be too rough on your body and some people need to take oral drops instead for a slower but less intrusive treatment.
Your chiropractor can be a good treatment resource as they have a test to see how much arsenic or other heavy metals are in your system. By pressing on certain body parts and applying a resistance test, they can tell how your treatment has progressed. Additional 24-hour urine tests may also be prescribed to see what your levels are. Over time, you can rid your system of heavy metals but remember that you must be patient and thorough with the treatment process.
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