How to Choose Toys for Autistic Children
Observe the child at play. Many children with autism spectrum disorder tend to play with parts of toys rather than the toy as a whole. Even so, they provide clues as to what appeals to them as far as color, texture and movement.
Watch the child's self-stimulatory behaviors. These behaviors are usually manifestations of a sensory need. Choose toys that can be used to meet those needs. For example, a child who flaps his hands might like a set of rattles.
Double-check the child's treatment plan. Chances are that fine motor and gross motor skills are listed among the list of goals and objectives. Look for toys that can be used to help the child meet those goals.
Look for toys made specifically for sensory stimulation, development and social skills. Some of these toys might be specially made for children with autism, or they can also be everyday toys that many children enjoy.
Choose toys for autistic children that integrate the senses. Ideal choices include swings, sit-and-spins, trampolines and ball pits. These toys are great for gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, vestibular activities and visual stimulation.
Remember the basics. Simple toys like blocks, balls and classic board games serve many purposes including interaction. These simple toys can be used for imitation activities and turn-taking, helping the child to develop social skills.
Get messy. Some great toys for autistic children offer an opportunity for children to tolerate unusual textures. These include sand and water tables, molding clay and finger paints. Some common household items like uncooked macaroni, rice and lentils can be used in sensory bin.
Musical instruments are excellent toys for children with autism. They integrate the senses and can be used for language development. Wind instruments help develop oral motor skills. Drums, keyboards and xylophones are ideal for combining fine motor, visual and auditory stimulation