How to Administer the BRIGANCE Screens

The BRIGANCE Screens are a series of autism screening tools for children from birth through elementary school. While some tests only require a parent to complete the assessment, some forms require a professional to administer the screens. When done appropriately, BRIGANCE Screens will give parents and professionals information on the development of a child. These screens will also determine whether further professional intervention is necessary for development.

Things You'll Need

  • Crayons
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Screening tool
  • Blocks
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  1. Administer the BRIGANCE Screens

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      Determine the best screening tool for your child. The BRIGANCE Screens are broken down into age-appropriate tests. Purchasing the entire set at once will allow you to continue screening your child as he grows older and develops further.

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      Consult with a pediatrician or other child development professional to administer the BRIGANCE screens if your child is past toddler age. These advanced screens require a developmental professional. Ask to be present during the testing to make your child feel more comfortable.

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      Purchase the screens with the scoring instruments included. Some of the screens require objects not included with the materials (such as blocks and crayons). Some screens require tools sold with the screens.

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      Gather the screening papers, additional materials required and a timer. Conduct the screen in a quiet setting. Online interaction with other children is required.

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      Allow approximately 20 minutes to administer the BRIGANCE Screens. Allow an additional 2 to 4 minutes to score the screen. If the screen is being administered by a professional, allow for time to review the results with him before leaving the appointment.

    Prepare to Care for Your Child after the BRIGANCE Screens

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      Request that all of the material resulting from testing done either by a professional or in your child's school be copied and sent to your pediatrician. In addition, if a pediatrician conducted the testing and your child is enrolled in school or day care, make a copy for future reference.

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      Ask for a meeting with all the teachers and caregivers who care for your child while he is in school during the day. Ask for each person's experience with autistic children and develop a game plan for handling developmental challenges.

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