How to Administer the ASQ Autism Screening Questionnaire
Things You'll Need
- Pediatrician or psychologist
- SCQ Questionnaire or complete SCQ kit
- (formerly the ASQ screening questionnaire)
Write down a list of your child's behavior for the previous 3 months in a diary or journal. The current test form will look at the child's behavior over a 3-month period. Write down particular behaviors that sparked the concern and led to you wanting to take the test. This test helps develop a more precise treatment plan to administer.
Write down a history of the child's lifetime behavior. This history will be less specific than the 3-month diary, since it will cover a greater period of time. Use this information to complete the lifetime history form.
Determine which test is right for your child. There are two forms available that measure different lengths of the child's life. The current form measures the last 3 months of the child's behavior. The lifetime form looks at the entire history of the child from birth till the taking of the test.
Put aside 10 minutes to administer the test. The test, which is available in two forms, has approximately 40 "yes" and "no" questions which you will answer about your child. This test allows for early intervention, which is important for long-term control of autistic symptoms. The test is available in English and Spanish as well as in paper and digital editions.
Find a quiet place to take the test away from distractions and interruptions. Review your answers to make sure you answered each question to the best of your ability.
Write down any notes or questions that you have for the professional who will be reviewing the questionnaire. Discuss these questions before submitting the screening questionnaire to the physician.