How to Body Brush an Autistic Child
Seek specific training on body brushing from an occupational therapist. Body brushing should be followed by another technique called joint compression in which gentle pressure is used to squish the shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, wrists, hips, fingers and feet. The occupational therapist should teach this process as well.
Buy a soft surgical brush for the body brushing technique. This type of brush is plastic with many soft bristles and will not scratch the autistic child's skin. Initially, the child may resist body brushing for the first few days, but will soon begin to look forward to the process.
Brush the child's arms, back, legs and the soles of the feet with the surgical brush, using medium firm pressure and long, deep strokes. This is called the Wilbarger Brushing Technique.
Hold the brush horizontal to the body. The fingertips should apply firm pressure along the entire brush. Use long even strokes in a firm up and down motion. Too light of a touch will be aggravating to the child, not soothing.
Continue body brushing the autistic child for three to five minutes. The effects of the body brushing last about two hours. Brushing should be done six to eight times a day. This technique calms and soothes the nervous system, allowing the nervous system to integrate more experiences.