How to Hire Daycare Providers for Autistic Children
Use Your Intuition
Ask yourself whether you feel the person is inherently trustworthy before you hire her. Make sure she understands the importance of routine for your autistic family member.
Ask for references. This can be the best way to screen for good daycare providers for autistic children.
Keep a record of your notes.
Examine Your Finances
Decide which block of autism daycare time would be most beneficial to your family. For instance, if you have other children, a Saturday morning that you can attend a Little League game or go for a bike ride may have big payoffs.
Ask yourself whether you can take on the care of another autistic child a few hours a week in order to trade with another parent. This can give both of you a much-needed break for little or no cost.
Approach Autism-Trained Professionals
Ask yourself whether you know of a retired teacher, who has worked with autistic children in the past, that you can hire as a daycare provider for your autistic family member. This person may welcome the opportunity to work part-time, and he may already have health insurance. He may be willing to work at rates that fit your budget.
Try to hire a teacher with experience with autistic children. If you can hire her for one or two nights a week, she may get a needed boost in salary. In return, you can gain the peace of mind of knowing a professional is caring for your child.