How to Use Nutritional Therapies to Treat Autism
Use Nutritional Therapies to Treat Symptoms of Autism
Make your diet gluten-free, by eliminating grains such as wheat, barley, rye and oats. Children who have autism often have an excess of yeast in their intestines, causing gastrointestinal problems that may cause them to act sluggish or irritable. Use rice substitutes when possible.
Eliminate dairy products to make your child's diet casein-free. Casomorphines found in dairy products are thought to intensify many of the symptoms associated with autism, including confusion and lethargy.
Reduce or eliminate sugar from your child's diet to inhibit the growth of yeast, which can intensify stomach problems. Excess intestinal yeast, or Candida overgrowth, is a problem for many autistic children and may be a side effect of repeated exposure to antibiotics used to treat ear infections at a young age.
Use antioxidants and anti-fungal medication to treat autism while incorporating nutritional therapies. Cleansing the body of yeast and excess metals, such as mercury, can improve health and boost your immune system.
Add Vitamins and Minerals to Supplement Nutritional Therapies
Add vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12 and mineral supplements such as magnesium, which is often lacking in children with autism. Vitamin B6 can be found in leafy green vegetables, but Vitamin B12 must often be injected.
Add essential fatty acids such as primrose oil, flax seed oil and fish oil. Researchers have found that diets are often lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids, but too rich in Omega-6.
Supplement your child's diet with Dimethylglycine (DMG) and Dimethyl Amino Ethanol (DMAE), which can improve mood and memory. Both can be purchased as nutritional supplements.