How to Use Craniosacral Therapy for Autism
Use Craniosacral Therapy to Treat Autism
Contact a trained craniosacral therapy provider, such as a chiropractor, osteopath or physical therapist. Providers apply gentle pressure to help balance cerebrospinal fluid throughout the body, which can create a calming effect and lessen the symptoms of autism like aggressive or self-destructive behavior. CST can also be used to treat Asperger's Syndrome or help people with Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Prepare to spend about an hour for each treatment, during which the provider will touch the neck, feet, jaws and tailbone.
Know what to expect. Craniosacral therapy cannot cure autism, but some parents feel that their child is more relaxed after treatment and makes more consistent eye contact. Many people feel that CST can bolster the immune system in general, improve communication skills in autistic children, improve behavior, impulse control and concentration and improve social interaction.
Combine Craniosacral Therapy With Complementary Treatments
Eliminate yeast, gluten and dairy from your child's diet. Many people believe that autism is caused by food allergies, as well as pollutants and excess metals in the body, such as mercury. Anti-fungal medications, diet modifications and the elimination of metals in the system can help the detoxification process, which can strengthen the immune system and improve health.
Massage your child for 15 minutes before bedtime. Studies have shown that massage helps autistic children sleep better and improves concentration. Children who receive massage also have fewer behavioral problems and better social interaction.
Participate in music therapy. Music has a calming effect on autistic children and can improve language skills. Some autistic children are able to sing before they can speak. Music therapy also encourages social interaction and group participation.
Use therapeutic exercise monitored by physical therapists to build strength and improve posture, balance and motor skills.