How to Teach a Child with Autism

Autism is a developmental disability affecting social interaction and communication. A child with autism is frequently resistant to environmental changes and experiences unusual responses to sensory experiences making learning extremely difficult. However, numerous approaches have proved helpful when teaching children with autism. What follows is a list of common interventions used with autistic individuals.


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      Set up your environment beforehand. Teaching an autistic child requires planning and organization. Know what you want to work on and have all teaching supplies ready in advance.

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      Create a picture schedule that includes activities covered in your lesson. This will provide a predictable environment, promote visual attention and help your student sequence learning activities.

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      Pair a learning task with something that motivates the child. For example, if a child is obsessed with letters use alphabet games, songs or toys during your lesson to spur their interest.

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      Learn simple sign language. Basic signs such as "more," "potty," "eat," "good," "stop," and "sit," may facilitate communication and provide a visual cue for nonverbal children.

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      Provide a safe "quiet area" where the child can go if they become overwhelmed. Small tents or a pillow fort covered in sheets work well for autistic children who need to calm down.

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      Ask the child's therapist. Professionals such as occupational and speech therapists are versed in ways to improve social and communication skills and will be happy to help you form a plan catered to your child's needs.

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      Consult a behavioral specialist before initiating any type of reward system. These professionals are skilled at providing ways to motivate a non-responsive child during functional tasks.

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      Investigate different treatment approaches. Current interventions for autistic children include Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), the Greenspan Approach, Social Stories, Treatment and Education of Autistic and related communication handicapped Children (TEACCH), Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Sensory Integration Therapy.

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