How to Naturally Treat Autism
Things You'll Need
- Natural vitamins and supplements designed for autism
- Allergy panel tests
- Qualified health care professionals, such as a psychiatrist or developmental pediatrician
Treat Autism Naturally
Make changes to the diet of the autistic individual by avoiding food that contains wheat, gluten, oats and casein (dairy protein). A person with autism may be unable to break down these foods sufficiently, which can interfere with proper brain functioning processes. Also avoid heavily processed foods, refined sugar and foods that may have mold or yeast, such as cheeses and breads.
Have the autistic individual tested for food allergies, using a series of panel tests, from a qualified allergist. Allergies to certain foods may also aggravate autism.
Start using a vitamin supplement that has been specifically designed for those with autism. These supplements focus on such ingredients as B6, magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium. More supplements should be used that have additional high doses of vitamin C, folic acid, B12, magnesium, dimethyl glycine (DMG) and pyridoxal 5 phosphate.
Balance the digestive enzymes in the digestive tract by taking supplements of acidophilus-A, papaya and bromelain.
Consider homeopathic remedies to balance chemical reactions in the brain. Websites such as the one for the Connecticut Center of Health can recommend certain products specifically designed to treat autism naturally (see Resources below).
Ask your doctor about trial treatments of secretin injections and IV gamma globulin.
Avoid fluoride completely, whether it be from drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwash or any type of vitamin supplement.
Identify any chemical hazards in the immediate environment of the autistic individual at home, work and school. Exposure to certain types of chemicals and metals can counteract any treatment program you implement.