How to Gain Better Posture
Proper Standing Posture & Exercise
Practice good posture while standing. Align your ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles. Hold your chest high and pull in your stomach and buttocks. Keep shoulders relaxed and back. Relax your knees and balance your weight evenly on both feet.
Avoid wearing high heeled shoes regularly. Wear supportive footwear and place a rubber mat under your feet when standing for long periods. Avoid wearing heavy bags on one shoulder while standing. Use bags with wide straps that are worn diagonally across your chest and back.
Perform regular exercise to promote good posture. Effective exercises include walking, swimming and cycling to condition your body. Perform strength training exercises regularly to strengthen your core and back muscles. These include abdominal crunches, planks and bridge-ups.
Proper Sitting & Sleeping Posture
Sit with your back firmly against a chair. Place a small pillow or rolled towel behind your lower back if necessary. Place your feet flat on the floor and keep your knees level with your hips. Use a small foot stool to prop your feet if necessary. Stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling and slightly tuck your chin. Keep your shoulders at a relaxed position and your neck and upper back straight.
Sit up straight with your ears, shoulder and hips aligned. Alternate between leaning forward with a straight back and sitting back as your muscles begin to tire. Use the back of the chair as support to ease your back muscles.
Change your position frequently when sitting to maintain proper posture. Take a break every half hour when sitting in a chair for prolonged periods. Take two minutes to stretch, stand or walk. Avoid unbalanced postures while sitting. Do not cross your legs, lean to one side, hunch your shoulders or tilt your head.
Use ergonomic tools to help you comfortably maintain good posture. These include footrests, back supports and a small pillow or towel placed behind your back while sitting or driving. Position your computer screen so that the center is at eye level to avoid resorting to improper posture when working. Use the speaker phone or hold the phone in your hand rather than cradling it with your head and shoulder when talking.
Sleep on your side or back rather than your stomach. Place a pillow under your knees when lying on your back. Place a pillow between your knees when lying on your side. Use a pillow that allows your head to rest in alignment with the rest of your body.