How to Cure Mid Back Pain
Find the cause of your mid-back pain. This might mean talking to your doctor about possible causes or examining your lifestyle. Eating too much sugar has been linked to mid-back pain. Other causes are trauma to the back, sedentary lifestyle, wearing a heavy backpack and poor posture.
Stop the behavior that's caused the pain if possible. In the case of a trauma, you won't be able to stop the cause but you can get treatment. If you wear a heavy backpack, try lightening the load. If you work at a desk all day, get up and walk every hour or so.
Take aspirin to treat the pain. Use an ice pack as long as the back is inflamed and switch to heat after it subsides. Do not stay in bed longer than 24 hours unless your doctor tells you to. Bed rest can make the pain worse.
Start an exercise program. Extra weight can cause mid-back pain or make it worse. Exercise and keeping the back muscles moving will help relieve the pain.
Visit a chiropractor for a back alignment. Spinal manipulation by a chiropractor can sometimes lessen or end the pain in a few visits. Visit a surgeon to discuss surgical options if the pain doesn't go away and your general practitioner suggests a surgical consultation.