Massage Chair Tips
Health benefits come from reclining while using the chair. When the heart is lower than the legs, circulation increases to the body. This is also good for anyone who has to sit or stand for long periods of time over several hours per day.
Setting the right atmosphere is important to assisting the chair in a fully relaxing experience. Low light is the best option. Think about using a fragrance in combination with the lighting to further heighten the experience. Scented candles work well as does incense. Also consider a soothing sound or calming music. Some massage chairs come with a MP3 player.
Clothing and Cell Phones
Wear loose-fitting clothing that allows for comfort while in the chair. Loose clothing allows the massage to be the most beneficial, reaching all of the necessary areas. Avoid tight clothing or jewelry if possible. Always turn off your cell phone or any other device before starting. It can be detrimental as well as disturbing to receive a call in the middle of a treatment. There should be no reasons for leaving the chair or moving until the full massage is complete.
Purchasing A Chair
Massage chairs for the home come in many shapes and styles. If you decide to purchase one, go over several considerations. Start by setting a budget as to what you are willing to spend. Models can run well into thousands of dollars. Once you choose a price, look at what your needs are for a chair. For example, is your lower body a problem or is neck pain the most serious issue. Features such as kneading, rolling, percussion and compression address specific concerns. Take this time to also think about how the chair will fit into your home. Look at the décor themes in your home. Chairs are available in several fabrics such as vinyl and leather. Each one has a wide range of color schemes. For anyone with a limited amount of space, partial recline chairs may be an additional consideration. Independent footstools can attach to the chair as another way to create space.