Tips to Correct Teen Posture
Define Good Posture
When the back and spine are straight with the shoulders rolled back, you have achieved good posture. Roll the shoulders back. Tuck in your stomach making it taught and stand straight. Distribute weight evenly on both feet and level the chin with the ground. Both arms should be relaxed at your sides. Keep the spine straight when picking things up, sit or squat when lifting objects off the floor. This will prevent backaches. Bad furniture, staying sedentary or medical conditions can cause poor posture. To show the difference in appearance, take a picture of the teen practicing good posture and then another picture with bad posture. Often poor posture makes the body look heavier and the person less confident.
Balance a textbook on the top of the head by standing with straight posture and practice standing and walking. Incorporate stretching in exercise. Stretching prevents muscles from tightening and encourages flexibility. Teens that do not participate in sports and are sedentary all day sitting at a school desk or in front of the TV should stretch before and after school. Stiff muscles and slouching can actually train the spine to permanently curve. The practice of yoga can also emphasizes back, core, and full body stretching to improve strength and posture.
While Sleeping
A firm mattress gives the most support to spine when sleeping. Soft plushy mattresses give little to no support when sleeping. Pillows should not be stacked too high; instead, the neck and spine need to be in line and as straight as possible. If sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your knees to keep the spine in line with the rest of the body. If a teen is in a small or twin bed, upgrading to a larger bed will help with sleep comfort level as well as prevent the teen from scrunching up while sleeping and straining the spine. Sleeping in a bed for your size is crucial to preventing poor posture. Avoid sleeping on the couch. It is not a solid flat surface for the neck and back. Avoid watching TV while lying on the couch. This can put a strain on your neck and the entire body.
While Sitting
When working on a computer, still maintain proper posture and give space between the hands and keyboard or mouse. Sit with the stomach tucked in. The hips should touch the base of the couch, chair or bed and the back should be flat against the back of the seat. Keep the shoulders down rather than up to avoid neck or shoulder pain.