What Is Electrothermal Disc Decompression?
EDD uses a spinal needle to guide a decompression heating wire into your disc. Once the position of the catheter is confirmed using an X-ray, the disc is then heated for a short period of time, as specified by your doctor. You will be discharged once the catheter and needle are removed from your spine.
How It Works
The protein wall of the disc is modified using a heating element, causing a reduction in the size of the disc material. This reduction releases the pressure placed on certain irritated nerves that trigger constant pain. According to the American Spinal Decompression Association, patients who undergo this procedure have a "70% chance of resuming a normal lifestyle."
Signs That You May Need EDD
If you have any of the following signs and symptoms, then EDD might be a possible treatment option for you, should your doctor recommend it: daily use of pain medication; limitations in your performance of daily activities; leg, arm, neck or back pain; tingling or numbness; and poor response to chiropractic and physical therapies.