Items to Help Improve Your Posture
One way to improve your posture is to invest in a posture improvement product. There are a variety of these, and they all help in one way or another.
You spend a solid third of your time on your mattress. Indeed, there is probably not another piece of furniture you use for such sustained periods in your entire house. This means that your mattress needs to be firm. If it's firm, your back cannot slouch as you sleep, thus setting a poor precedent for the day when you wake up.
You should also sleep on your back or on your side, not on your stomach. If you do sleep on your stomach, you should put a pillow underneath you for support.
Posture Chair
Some people have a hard time sitting correctly in a standard office chair. If this is the case, you can invest in a kneeling posture chair. This is a chair with a pad underneath and slightly behind the lip of the seat; when you sit on it, you hook your legs behind the pad, which forces your hips forward and your back straight.
This takes your personal choice out of the equation. Rather than force yourself to sit correctly, the leaning posture chair forces you into sitting correctly, which will ultimately be more comfortable.
Posture Corrector
You can also purchase a posture corrector, which is a piece of equipment that goes under your shirt and holds your back straight for you. The brace makes you stand and sit correctly through its firm material. After wearing this for awhile, you should be able to take it off and still have good posture, as the habit will be ingrained in your muscle memory.