Conditions Caused by Bad Posture
Knee Pain
Hunching over pushes the shoulders forward and focuses all of the weight on the front of the knees. This weight is usually distributed to the hips when the body has correct posture. The strain causes painful knee joints. Bad posture creates an imbalance of weight distribution which, over time, weakens and twists the knees. This weakening and twisting can cause knock-knees and bow-legs.
Constricted Ribs and an Altered Pelvis
Slouching or hunching over causes the ribs to compress and the spine to develop a curve. The ribs become inflexible and your lungs are not able to fully expand. This lack of oxygen impacts the entire body from your skin to your heart. Poor posture aggravates the stomach muscles and weakens them, causing the pelvis to tilt forward. If the pelvis tilts too far out it can be very painful to stand erect.
Neck and Shoulder Pain
The first place you experience pain and problems from poor posture is the neck. The neck is at the top of the skeletal ladder and the pain from the neck trickles down to the shoulders. This tension also causes headaches and a rotation of the shoulders. If bad posture happens for a prolonged period of time, it can cause the muscles to shorten and make it uncomfortable to stand in correct posture.