Posture Rules
To maintain proper posture when standing, begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent. Distribute most of your weight on the balls of your feet. Shift the weight from one foot to the other or between your toes and heels, if you must stand for a long time. Pull in your stomach and buttocks to activate your core muscles; stand straight and tall, with your chest high. Pull your shoulders pulled back and let your arms hang naturally to your sides. Hold your head, so that your ears are in line with your shoulders. Stay relaxed; do not jut the head forward, backward or to either side.
It is important to sit in a manner that promotes proper posture. Sit with both feet planted firmly and your ankles extended slightly in front of the knees. Do not cross your legs; instead, keep your knees level with or slightly below your hips. Position yourself so that your knees extend slightly beyond the edge of the seat.
If possible, sit in a chair with an adjustable backrest to provide support to your lower and middle back or use a back pillow for additional support. Relax your shoulders when sitting and use arm rests to bend your arms and keep your forearms parallel to the ground. Stretch the top of your head towards the ceiling and tuck your chin slightly. Alternate between sitting and standing as frequently as possible; do not sit in the same position for long periods.
Posture is probably the last thing on your mind when you climb into bed at night. However, it is just as important to give your body proper support when lying as when standing. To begin, make sure you are sleeping on a mattress that is comfortable and properly supports your body. The ACA recommends sleeping with a pillow under your head, neck and shoulders to provide support and keep the body in alignment. Additionally, sleep on your side or back rather than your stomach. When sleeping on your side, place an extra pillow between your legs to keep your hips in proper alignment. Place the pillow behind your knees, when sleeping on your back.