Proper Sleep Posture

It is important to have proper sleep posture to ensure a healthy back, neck and spine. Certain sleep postures can prevent damage to these parts of your body and sooth any tension that you feel during the day.
  1. Sleep Posture to Prevent Damage

    • Some sleep postures that are safe include lying on your back with a pillow under your knees and lying on your side with your knees bent just a little bit. These take the pressure off your spine, keeping it aligned and allowing your body to relax.

    Sleep Posture to Treat a Sore Body

    • Some proper postures that can sooth a sore back are sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees, and sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under your pelvis. The pillow provides support to your back and spine and allows your body to lie along its natural curves.

    Sleep Postures to Avoid

    • Avoid sleeping with your knees curled up to your chest, as this places strain on your back and neck. Also, when you rise from sleep, try to stay balanced and don't bend your body too far forward or back, as it can hurt your spine. Your bed should be slightly firm. Choose a mattress that is not too soft or hard.

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