Pulled lower right stomach muscle 1 year ago still hurts?
1. Incomplete Healing: The healing process of a muscle strain can vary, and it's possible that the muscle has not fully healed after a year. This could be due to insufficient rest, continued strain on the muscle, or other underlying factors.
2. Muscle Weakness: A pulled muscle can lead to weakness in the affected area, which may cause discomfort or pain when certain movements or activities are performed.
3. Nerve Damage: In severe cases, a pulled muscle can damage nearby nerves, leading to persistent pain, tingling, or numbness.
4. Scar Tissue: The healing process of a pulled muscle can lead to scar tissue formation, which may cause stiffness and pain in the area.
5. Underlying Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis or a hernia, can cause similar pain in the lower right stomach area. It's important to rule out these conditions with a proper medical evaluation.
6. Trigger Points: Trigger points, which are small, tender areas in the muscle, can develop after a muscle injury and can cause ongoing pain and discomfort.
7. Muscle Imbalances: If the surrounding muscles in the area are weak or tight, it can put extra strain on the injured muscle and prolong the healing process.
It's recommended that you seek evaluation by a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a physiotherapist, to properly diagnose the cause of your ongoing pain and receive appropriate treatment, which may include rest, physical therapy, pain management, or other interventions. Self-treating or ignoring persistent pain can delay healing and worsen the condition.